Best of Viva Survivors 2023: Viva Prep

It’s that time of year where I share my favourite posts from the last twelve months!

I always like to start my round-up posts with viva preparation as it’s a big part of the viva experience. The viva itself is done in a few hours, but preparation is often spread out over several weeks. Here are five helpful posts:

Look for more viva prep posts on the site, and look out for tomorrow’s post with my favourite reflections from this year.

SWOT Your Prep

SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It’s often used to help assess a situation where you need to come up with a plan. By exploring each area you have all the information you need to plan your next steps.

So why not apply it to viva prep?

  • Strengths: What do you have taken care of? What resources do you have? What can help you as you prepare?
  • Weaknesses: What are you currently lacking? What are you not looking forward to? What are you less sure of?
  • Opportunities: Who can help your preparation if you ask for support? Are there events in the near future that could help you get ready?
  • Threats: Are there things that might get in the way of your preparation? What obstacles do you have to avoid as you prepare?

Taken together, all of these explore the environment you have for getting ready – and can help you figure out the environment you need for viva prep.

Preparation Beats Hope

It’s not wrong to hope that your viva goes well but working towards being prepared is far more valuable.

You can hope your viva will be short but it’s better to read, rehearse and take steps to being ready to respond to questions.

You can hope for “good examiners” or take a little time to learn about who you’ll be talking to.

You can hope for a great viva. That’s not a bad thing to do but it’s far better for you to do the work, prepare and aim to make your viva as great as it can be.

Who Are Your Examiners?

Unless they are both well-known to you before you submit your thesis, take some time in your viva prep to find out more about both your internal and your external.

  • Ask friends and colleagues what they know of them. What work do they do? What are they known for?
  • Explore their recent publications to get a sense of their interests and research focus. Is their work similar to yours or very different? Are there interesting connections between your areas?
  • Talk to other academics about the role of the examiners. How do they approach the task? What do they look for in a good thesis?

Your examiners, whoever they are, are not just two random people. They are chosen for particular reasons. Explore that choice with your supervisors, explore your examiners’ work and explore the role of the examiner to well-prepared for meeting them in your viva.

Do & Don’t

Do read your thesis in preparation for your viva, but don’t feel that you have to memorise it to be able to respond to questions well.

Do check the regulations to know about various outcomes, but don’t focus too much on major corrections as you are less likely to receive them.

Do check your examiners’ recent work to have a sense of their interests, but don’t become an expert in what they do – unless you already are!

Do prepare well for your viva and don’t forget that you are building up from a solid foundation of talent, knowledge and experience from your years of work.

A New Page

Creating a summary is a useful viva prep task, but it can be a daunting one when you are faced with a blank page. There’s a lot of space to fill, and if you only intend to write something then it can be easy to be overwhelmed at the prospect.

Instead, have a clear idea in mind when you set to work to write a summary. On a single page you could:

  • Write a list of ten key references.
  • Explore why you started your research, how you did it and what the result of your research was.
  • List a handful of papers you need to check in your prep.
  • Summarise the main points of each chapter in your thesis.
  • Outline your contribution and key conclusions.

Summaries allow you to gather your thoughts and key ideas before the viva. They are an opportunity to reflect and consider many aspects of your research. Don’t let a new page intimidate you as you get started!

Past, Present, Future

As you get ready for your viva:

  • Look back over everything you’ve done that has got you this far. Consider what has helped you to grow and what you’ve achieved.
  • Think about where you are now and what you can do in the days leading up to your viva. Decide on the actions you will take to help your prep.
  • Cast your mind ahead to the viva. What do you expect from your examiners and what do you think will need to be explored in your thesis?

Looking back helps remind you of the journey that has lead you this far. Taking action now can help you be more prepared for your viva. Looking ahead and reflecting on the challenges you’ll face will allow you to be more ready for when they arrive.

Hitting The Target

An archer doesn’t get close to the target consistently through luck. If their arrow flies and strikes the bullseye they have been fortunate: this particular moment of skill has been rewarded.

It takes time, effort and learning to build capability to the point where someone can consistently hit their target. An archer has a different skillset from a researcher, but both need to demonstrate a great level of commitment and growth tif they are to be good enough to meet the challenges that face them.

When you sit with your examiners, discuss your work and respond to challenging questions you will show yourself to be capable of hitting your target consistently. There’s no luck: it takes time, effort and learning, everything you will have invested in during your PhD journey.

Matters Of Context

Many aspects of the viva, viva prep, viva expectations and what to do in the many related situations depend on the circumstances.

  • Do you start to prepare two weeks or four weeks before?
  • Do you need to admit when you’ve spotted a mistake in your thesis?
  • Should you have an examiner whose work you’ve cited in your bibliography?
  • Can you challenge an examiner’s comment?
  • Should you invite your supervisor to your viva?
  • Is a mock viva necessary?
  • Do you need to focus on your methods, your results or your conclusions more?

So many questions. So many scenarios. No easy answers.

It depends.

Explore the context. What does that question mean in your situation? What do you need to do? What is the real issue that you are unsure about?

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