An incomplete list of reasons why a PhD candidate would benefit from rehearsal before the viva.
To know how it might feel to be in the viva, minute to minute.
To get a sense of what you might do when you’re asked a question.
To get a sense of how you might feel and what you might do when you’re asked an unexpected question.
To practise what you might do when asked a question.
To practise talking about your work with a good audience.
To review how you did afterwards.
To explore your work.
To explore how you describe your work.
To ask questions about your work and how others see it.
To revise your plans for your viva prep.
To build your confidence for the viva.
To hopefully feel better about your viva.
To experience what it feels like to say “I don’t know.”
To demonstrate to yourself that you can do it.
Rehearsal isn’t limited to a mock viva. There are many other opportunities like having a chat, coffee with friends, giving a seminar or having a mini-viva.
And the list of reasons above is incomplete. Why else might you rehearse for your viva?