A Piece Of Paper

When your PhD journey is finally finished you get a piece of paper. It will be quite fancy with official words and special ink. One page that says: you did it.

Before graduation, before your viva even, you might need something else to help you believe that you are capable. Kind words and good experiences help, but self-confidence has to come from you.

So take another sheet of paper, probably less fancy, but important all the same. Write down anything and everything you can think of that you know is good about your work: ideas, conclusions, methods – whatever you think makes a difference.

Then realise that all of those things are a part of your work because of you, your effort and your ability.

After your viva you’ll have a piece of paper that shows everyone what you did. Take time before the viva to show yourself what you’ve done.

The Right Words

There are wrong words you could use in the viva. You could exaggerate or bluff. You could lie! You could mis-speak. You could be too modest or you could be careless in your thought or speech.

There are no perfect words for the viva discussion. Your examiners don’t expect you to respond like a machine without hesitation, errors or deliberation. Questions can have answers but they could also have opinions offered or hunches shared. You can say I don’t know.

You need the right words in your viva. The right words aren’t perfect, but they are considered. The right words aren’t scripted but can benefit from practice beforehand. The right words don’t require knowing the questions ahead of time or special understanding of the process.

The right words just require you to do the work. Do the work and you’ll find the right words on your viva day.

Ifs And Thens

If you figured out how to get to submission then you can figure out how to succeed in the viva.

If you did all the work and wrote it up in your thesis then you can discuss it with your examiners for a few hours.

If you spent three (or more) years doing the research then you can talk for three hours (or less) about what it all means and how you did it.

Beyond nerves, beyond expectations, beyond the details of your research and your story, this is what it all comes down to. We can find lots of ways to look at the situation but it’s quite simple.

If you did the work, then you’re good. If you’re good then you can pass the viva.

Good Reasons

There are good reasons to have your supervisor present at your viva.

They can make notes on your behalf. After the viva these notes could be helpful for completing corrections or continuing research. Your supervisor could also be a friendly face in your viva. It’s not supposed to be terrible, but knowing they are there could help how you feel.

There are also good reasons not to have your supervisor at your viva.

They can only be present: they can’t ask questions or respond to them. And it could be that while they are a friendly face that might not be what you need. For how you feel about your viva, an audience of any kind might be the last thing you want.

Rather than weigh pros and cons, reflect on what you want and what you need for your viva. That might include your supervisor or it might not. Whatever you decide your reasons are good enough.

Sounds Of The Season

It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas. Everywhere I go I hear seasonal music. Cheesy 80s number ones, crooners from a former era, carols.

Of course there are other signs too that Christmas is weeks away! – but the sound is the thing that sticks with me. There’s a series of associations building up the feeling and the energy.


I wonder if something similar could help for the viva? Actually, it’s more than a wonder, I’m sure it could!

I’ve heard from plenty of candidates and graduates over the years who have a viva prep or positivity playlist that helps to boost them. Songs that help someone to just feel better. Music that helps someone to concentrate. Sound that helps people to feel more confident that things will work out well.

What sounds – music, songs, tracks, whatever you call them – could help you as you prepare for your viva? And could they help steer your confidence positively?

Decide On Your Focus

You could focus on being perfect for your viva, but you’ll end up disappointed by the unattainable nature of your goal.

Or you could focus on being prepared for your viva, plan what needs doing and take practical steps to getting things done.

You could focus on not knowing what exactly your examiners will ask you, in which case you’ll probably be worried in advance of meeting them.

Or you could focus on rehearsing for the viva so that you’re confident about engaging with whatever questions are asked.

You could focus on your examiners and their lengthy careers, reams of publications and status at the viva – but you’ll probably feel bad doing so.

Or you could focus on your PhD journey: the effort you’ve put in, the success and progress you’ve made and the personal development you can see over the last few years.

Despite the title of this post you don’t need to have a singular focus for your viva and your preparation. You get to decide what you give your attention to in the weeks leading up to it.

Where will you put your focus?


If you’re concerned about remembering certain things at your viva then it’s alright to use prompts. Highlight keywords on thesis pages, mark the beginnings of key sections and prepare summaries before the viva to help bring your thoughts together.

You’re not expected to be perfect, but you can help your confidence by finding useful prompts in your preparation.

You can directly prompt your confidence for the viva too. Consider what helps you to feel better and feel confident. It could be something you wear. A small ritual or item could help. Listening to a song or playlist could give a boost.

Prompt your confidence by whatever means help you so that you don’t forget that you are good enough.

Your Role

At the viva you have to engage with the questions and comments of your examiners. You have to be a good participant in the discussion that rises from your thesis, the questions and what unfolds naturally.

That’s it.

You don’t have to be extra-smart or super-relaxed. They’re not looking for you to take on a persona. You don’t have to have an answer for everything or speak in a certain way.

Your examiners want to hear what you think and see what you know. Your role in the viva is to respond. You don’t have to be anything you’re not.

Personally Developed

Personal development is sometimes seen as a box-ticking exercise during a PhD: perhaps a form or report that has to be filled in every now and then. That’s a shame, because I think personal development is what the PhD is all about. A PhD is not just a piece of paper or a couple of extra letters around your name. It stands for something. It represents the change you’ve made in yourself.

Reflecting on that before the viva helps you. You don’t want to stand on a chair and boast of your talent and knowledge, but you do want to sit there and be confident. Reflect on your journey. Reflect on the change in yourself. Consider how you have grown and developed and use that to build your confidence for the viva – where you can calmly explain and explore what it all means.

Small Beginnings

Do you remember the first day of your PhD? Do you remember what that was like?

I do! I can vividly remember showing up at my office, being told which of two desks I could commandeer for the next few years and then waiting and wondering what I should do next. I knew my supervisor already, but knew that I wasn’t due to see him for several days. I knew, kind-of, what area I was going to be working in.

So I started reading my Master’s dissertation. I had carried that into university with me that day, in my bag, proof for myself that I was meant to be there. As I worked through the pages of a short book I hadn’t read in over a year I found typo after typo. Clunky line after clunky line. I picked up a red pen and started amending my previous work in the margins.

And I felt bad.

Foolish. Naive even. What was I doing here? What was I going to be doing…

…for the next three and a half years?!

I had no idea.


And then Shaine asked me if I wanted to go for a cup of tea as it was eleven o’clock and that’s what happened at eleven in the maths department. For the rest of that day, and the rest of that week – and the rest of the month – I was slowly introduced to the rhythms of life in the maths department.

Meeting by meeting, I figured out what I needed to do to get started. Chat by chat, I started to understand what being a PhD maths researcher meant.

One thing stood out to me: research takes time. It takes work over a long period of time. You might have breakthroughs or periods of intense activity, but it all takes time.


From small beginnings you must have come a long way over the course of your PhD. Do you remember your first day? Your first week or month? Can you compare and contrast that to where you are now?

I imagine if you’re reading this that your viva is some time in the near future. At the very least you can have a good idea of when it might be. Look back to the beginning of your PhD journey and realise: you have come a long way.

You’ve invested the time and the work to become better, to build your research and develop yourself. Remember and realise that you must be good by this stage of your journey; you might not be at the end, not yet, but you have made a lot of progress and found a lot of success since your beginning.

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