Best of Viva Survivors 2022: Viva Prep
I finish every year of Viva Survivors with a look back at some of my favourite posts from the year. In the coming days I’ll share topics like surviving and confidence, as well as general reflections on the viva and some of my favourite short posts.
Today we start with viva prep as that feeds into lots of areas related to the viva. What can you do to get ready and how do you do it? Here are some ideas:
- The Busy Factor – to begin with, advice on getting ready that helps if you’re busy – and helps if you’re not!
- Find Five – prompts for starting viva prep.
- Annotated For You – why and how to annotate your thesis, with examples of what you could do.
- Summary Values – a short reflection on why writing summaries can help your viva prep and viva.
- A Helpful Acronym – a long overdue return to writing about one of my favourite ideas for viva prep!
Viva prep is not a huge amount of work. A little thought in how you do it can make a big difference in terms of how you feel. Tomorrow: some of my favourite reflections from Viva Survivors 2022!
PS: the Viva Survivors blog celebrated five years of daily posts earlier this year! To mark the journey so far I wrote and published “Keep Going – A Viva Survivors Anthology” – a curated collection of the best of the first five years. If you’re looking for viva help then this blog is and always will be free – if you want to support the blog and get an awesome book as well, then take a look at the options at the link. Thanks!