Five Minutes of Reading

A few years ago I used a little bit of code to make a random post link: use the link and you find yourself reading one of the 1700+ posts I’ve written! I just did that five times and got the following results:

If you find yourself with five minutes to spare one day and are looking for something to help with the viva, then the random post link could be interesting.

If you want to spend five minutes every day reading something to help your viva then subscribe and get each new post sent to you when it goes on the site.

5 Random Posts

Last year, with the help of a plugin, I made a little link that diverts to a random post every time it is used:

I use it to find old posts to read. I look for little thoughts I might want to explore more. Occasionally I remind myself, “Oh wow, I wrote that! That’s pretty bad/good/silly/weird…”

Here are five random posts and five thoughts from them that seemed worth sharing:

  1. You Can’t Do Everything: “You can’t do everything [to get ready], but everything you do will help you.”
  2. Riddles: “…if a question in the viva might feel like a riddle or a challenge, remember it might not have a single right answer. In some cases it will have only the best response you can give.”
  3. Blinkered: “Don’t expect your examiners to know more than you, but don’t expect that you know every possible question or idea either.”
  4. “How Can I Help?”: “You don’t need to have had your viva to help someone else with theirs.”
  5. No Rush: “There’s no rush necessary in your viva preparations or in the viva UNLESS you make it that way.”

Each of those posts is more than a one-liner. And there’s 1600 more to find by using the random post link:

Maybe you’ll find just what you’re looking for.