An Extra Day

If you had an extra day to get ready for your viva, what would you do?

Would you spend a chunk of time reading your thesis again, just in case you missed something?

Perhaps you’d feel better if you sat down and talked with your supervisor some more.

Or you could consider gathering stationery and going over your thesis pages one more time just in case you can add something helpful.


One more day is a lot of time and you could complete a lot of helpful work – but given everything else you’ve done during your PhD and after submission, maybe you could just take the extra day as a chance to rest?

Reward Your Progress

Viva prep is a necessary part of getting ready. No tasks are particularly difficult, but if you are already tired, busy or stressed with regular work and life, then they can seem like more chores to get done.

There are lots of things you could do to help you stay motivated:

  • Keep a to do list to cross off and show your progress;
  • Ask friends to keep you accountable by checking in with you;
  • Reward yourself for getting things done.

The last suggestion might be really helpful. Can you incentivise your own progress? What could you set up as a small treat for reading your thesis? Or for completing a mock viva? Would an extra break be enough or do you need something more tangible?

It’s not for everyone, but if you need the motivation to help with your viva prep, consider what you can do to reward your progress.

Expect The Expected

Every viva is unique but no viva should be a great unknown.

Regulations and stories of viva experiences give a shape to the general process; departmental and disciplinary practices give some fine detail to specific viva norms. Taken together these give a general pattern of expectations: you can’t know exactly what will happen, but you can imagine something that the viva will tend towards.

Every viva is different, so you can expect the unexpected – a unique experience – but you can also expect your viva to be like others you’ve heard about in your preparations. You won’t know which details will follow the pattern exactly, or how closely, but unless your situation is very different from every other PhD candidate you can expect your viva to be similar to many past stories.

Every viva is unique but you can expect yours to follow expectations.

Help If You Can

If a friend or colleague asks for help with their viva prep then assist them if you can. Ask what they need and help with their request as much as you’re able.

Perhaps they need to know what to expect from a viva. Share your experience or share what you’ve heard from trusted sources. Point them in the right direction for more help.

If they ask you to listen or to ask them questions then try to be there for them. Do this regardless of whether you’ve had a viva. When you’re asked to listen or discuss, help flows both ways. You learn while you offer support: the experience you get being in conversation helps you too.

There are valid reasons to say no to helping – you are busy or you really feel like you’re not the right person – but if you can, help your friends when they need someone.

Missing Nothing

Between submission and your viva, take an hour or two to see if any recent, relevant papers have been published that you haven’t noticed while you’ve been busy.

You’ve not missed them though. They’re still there. You can read them now.

It could be that one or more of them has something that you could have included in your thesis. But you didn’t. You’ve not missed it. You don’t need it now.

A thesis always has a line drawn under it in some way: I studied and worked up to this point. There’s always more published and always new connections to be made.

But not now. This far. No further.

You check for recent, relevant papers for yourself, to make sure your personal knowledge is more full; you don’t look for more references or new ideas to add to your thesis.

You’ll probably have corrections but those aside your thesis is complete.

Viva Prep & Getting Ready

Viva prep starts at submission. You can do helpful tasks before then like searching for examination regulations or sketching out a prep plan, but the actual work of viva prep doesn’t start until after your thesis is submitted. Up to that point your focus has to be on finishing your thesis.

Getting ready for your viva, however, starts on day one of your PhD – or even earlier. From day one you are on a path that is helping you grow, nurturing your research and leading you to being a capable, knowledgeable researcher. Talent and expertise grow as you do the work and stay committed, helping you get closer and closer to being ready.


There’s prep to do after submission because the viva is a particular challenge.

Remember that you’ve been getting ready for your viva for a much, much longer time than the weeks between submission and your viva.

Just One

There’s a lot to consider when you’re preparing for your viva, but getting started is easy. You need just one thing on a list and you can start to work.

Just one paper to read and reflect on.

Just one question to ponder and write about.

Just one chapter – or one page! – to annotate.

Just one hour with your supervisor or a trusted friend to have a chat.

Just one task can start the process of getting ready. There will be more to do, but you can always find a way to get started – or always find something to do that will make a difference to how prepared you are for your viva.


Ask your supervisor about the best parts of your work.

Ask friends and colleagues about the best parts of their vivas.

Look to your graduate school or doctoral college for helpful resources for viva prep.

Look to friends and family for kind words and help in making a good space to do your viva prep.

Find kind words to encourage yourself: you’re almost there.

Find encouragement for your viva where you can. There’s a lot in the people around you, and a lot in you as well.

I Heart Expectations

Roses can be red,

But can also be blue;

Viva expectations are patterns,

But might not hold for you.


Viva expectations tell a story of likely future experiences. Everyone you know from your department is asked to prepare a presentation, so it’s likely you will be too.

Viva expectations are not perfect. Everyone you know may have had a viva of around two hours, but yours is closer to three in the event.

Statistics and stories help. The details can really matter, but the real help comes from looking deeper. Nevermind the first question or how long, what’s the purpose and process at work? What do you really need to do and know?

Build Up To The Viva

On your first day of viva prep you don’t have to push yourself to work at maximum intensity.

Maybe make a list.

Read a chapter.

Check a regulation or two.

You don’t have to start and maintain an exhausting pace of work and progress towards being ready.


You don’t have to do that from day two either. Or day three.

You can build up your prep and yourself. Take your time, plan your prep, build yourself up for the viva. A little work every day for however many weeks you need to not be stressed by your schedule. That’s all you need.

Build up to the viva rather than risk wiping yourself out with too much pressure.

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