Goodbye to your office and officemates perhaps, to a community of fellow travellers on the road to academic success.
Goodbye to the piles of paper and folders of files. Whatever your future plans you might be letting go of a lot of stuff.
Goodbye to your institution? Maybe. Goodbye to where you live now? Perhaps. There can be a lot of logistics and a lot of feelings that go with moving on from the PhD.
Goodbye to the You-That-Was-A-PhD-Candidate. Hello to the You-That-Is-A-PhD-Graduate.
Hello to You-Who-Survived – you managed to keep going in difficult circumstances.
At some point after your viva you’ll have to say some goodbyes. And at some point you have to figure out what all of that means for you. Take your time.
Say your goodbyes. Be ready for the feelings. Be ready to say a few hellos too.