If Things Go Wrong

There’s a chance that something could go wrong before, during or after your viva. It might a small thing, but if something does go wrong:

  • Stop. Ask yourself why this thing is wrong.
  • Ask yourself if you can solve this yourself. Or is better to seek help from others? Depending on the situation it could be your supervisor, director of postgraduate studies, Graduate School staff or your examiners.
  • Do something. Whether it’s the answer to the problem or a first step, you have to do something. You’re the person who has to take action.

You might feel nervous, unsure, concerned, confused or even angry if something goes wrong in and around your viva. Any of those and any other feelings are perfectly understandable – but they can’t be the end of it. You have to do something.

Stop. Ask yourself if you can solve the situation yourself (and if not, find someone to ask for help). Then do something.

Because that’s the only way that problems around your viva can get resolved.