The Value of Valuable Questions
I love finding valuable questions. I try to read as widely as possible in things like self-help books, coaching blogs and interviews with interesting people. The ideas and advice are often helpful, but a good question hooks my attention more than anything.
In a recent TEDx post I came across a really insightful question:
“What’s the most important thing I can do today that would make tomorrow better?“
The article is asking in the context of time management and organisation, but this makes me think more generally. Perhaps, what can I do today to make my future brighter? What can I start now to set up a better later?
It gives me two thoughts for the viva and viva prep particularly. First, what’s the most important thing you can do today for your prep that will make the rest of your viva preparations better?
Second, what important things have you done throughout your PhD that makes your current situation great?
Preparation and reflection both help as you get close to the viva.
What other valuable questions help you? And where could you get more from?