What To Expect

Viva expectations are hard to pin down sometimes.

Every viva experience is different, but there are patterns in the stories. Viva regulations vary between institutions but there is consistency around key practices.

More than anything you can build up a general impression of the tone of vivas; you can get an idea of what areas are discussed and what topics examiners focus on. You can get a better sense of all this if you get a feel of what vivas are like in your department or your research area.

It’s important to remember that expectations aren’t guarantees. Past experiences don’t automatically drive future events.

Expectations are a feeling: you feel that your viva will likely go a certain way. Ask enough questions, read enough regulations, see enough stories and you can get a good sense of what your viva will be like. Eventually you know what to expect.

Ask For Help As You Get Ready

Your work is your responsibility. No-one else can speak for you at your viva. Still, make sure that you ask for help from those around you while you get ready. You don’t have to do everything alone.

Be clear with your requests. Ask early to set expectations and intentions. Get the right help from the right people. When the dust has settled from your own viva be willing to help others.

More than anything, look to those closest to you to help create a good atmosphere for your viva prep period. There are people around you who can answer questions about viva expectations but from some you might simply need space, time and quiet to do the work.

More Than Hope

You can hope that your viva will go well, but if you learn what to expect you can do something to make a difference.

You can hope that your examiners will be fair with you, but you can find out what they do to feel certain they will treat you well.

You can hope that you’ve done enough, but you can review your work and know you’ve made a contribution.

You can hope you’re prepared, but you can know you’re ready by planning, taking your time and doing the work.

You can hope you’re not too nervous, but also pursue confidence: reflect on your journey, take steps to get ready and remind yourself of what you’ve done to get this far.

You can do more than hope you’ll succeed at your viva.

Coloured Tabs

Annotation is a necessary step of good viva prep. It creates a more useful version of your thesis for the viva. It also helps the process of viva prep itself by giving you some good things to think about.

Coloured tabs help annotation a lot. They can:

  • Highlight important chapters or sections.
  • Draw attention to jargon or important terms.
  • Show you where some further editing might be needed.
  • Index information for probable discussion topics.
  • Allow you to find the best of your thesis with ease.

Coloured tabs are a simple stationery solution to various viva prep problems. And if this seems like a really simple post it’s because there’s not much more to say to highlight how useful they are!

More or Different

There’s always more or different when you do a PhD.

You could have done more of something in your research. You could have done something in a different way.

It’s valid to be concerned about it as you write up your thesis and prepare for your viva. It’s reasonable to expect that examiners might ask about more and different when they meet with you.

Focus first on what you did. The fact that there are other options rests on you necessarily doing something.

Explore why you did what you did rather than something else. In your preparation, take time to be clear and articulate your reasons.

Then in the viva take time to listen to your examiners’ questions. Don’t dismiss them, but do clearly demonstrate the contribution that you’ve made.

Alternatives might be possible but focus on the actual work you’ve done and the difference it makes.

The Unknown External

If your external isn’t known to you – and there are lots of reasons why might this be the case, as well as lots of degrees to which this might feel true – then the best thing you can do is find out more.

  • Ask your supervisor about them.
  • Ask anyone in your network about them.
  • Check your memory to see if you’ve met or seen them at a conference and you’ve just forgotten.

And of course, more than anything, read their most recent work.


It helps to know your external a little but it’s much more helpful to know about what they do: their knowledge, biases and research will bring perspective to how they read your work, ask questions and consider what you’re saying.

Read their last two or three most recent papers. Look for themes, ideas, questions, methods and anything else that might be relevant. You’re not trying to become an expert in them. You’re looking for points of connection – or the lack thereof!

The more you know, the better you’ll feel – and thankfully it won’t take much to feel good about your external, even if they’re a stranger to you at the time of selection.


(and of course, if you’re not that familiar with your internal, find out more about them too!)

VIVA, Viva, viva

I regularly receive all three formulations of the above four-letter shorthand for “thesis examination” when people ask me questions:

  • VIVA is used when someone thinks there is an acronym involved or perhaps they are especially nervous, placing the event on a great pedestal.
  • A person might write Viva when they give some importance to the exam. It has a title. This is my Viva.
  • It’s most common for people to simply write viva – it’s also technically the correct way to write it as well!

When you’re asking a question, it doesn’t matter which spelling or arrangement you use, so long as you’re understood.

It helps to remember though that different words mean different things, and perhaps give a hint to how you feel about something.

If you’re preparing for your VIVA, is it possible that you’re anxious? And if so, what can you do to help yourself or get help?

If you think about your Viva are you sure you’re on track? Sometimes a person’s focus on the importance of a thing can lead to obscuring other details. Maybe take some time to check all is well.

And if you are simply working towards your viva then just take it nice and easy. How will you get ready? How will you get the help you need from others?

It takes a little work but not too much to get ready for a viva – but then if you’re writing viva instead of VIVA or Viva you’re probably fine in appreciating that!

Decide In Advance

There’s a lot you won’t know about your viva before it happens.

You can have reasonable guesses and expectations around questions, opinions and discussion topics. You can learn generally what to expect and build up a picture. But you can’t know. There’s a lot you have to simply contend with as it happens. A question is asked and you have to pause, think and respond – in whatever way seems best in that moment.

This is why the viva, even if it’s a positive experience, can be a draining event: a lot of brain work is required on the day.


To help reserve as much thinking ability as you can, decide as much as you can in advance of your viva.

Decide in advance:

  • how you will get to your viva – and what time you’ll leave!
  • what you will wear – and how you want it to make you feel!
  • what to take – and don’t forget to check with friends and your supervisor to see if there is anything atypical that you might need!

You have to pause, think and respond as every question is asked. You can’t decide on a response before you hear the question – but you can decide in advance how you will respond to every question. Pause. Think. Take your time.

You can decide in advance to pursue confidence. You can’t decide that you won’t be nervous; feelings can’t be pushed away by a decision. But you can decide that you want to feel confident and take actions to find that.

The Power Of Prep

Prep won’t make you perfect.

Prep won’t reveal every question you might be asked – or create answers for every line of discussion.

Prep won’t let you know how you’ll feel on the day and it won’t let you sidestep tricky situations.

And prep won’t allow you to know how your examiners feel about your thesis before you sit down with them in the viva.


Viva prep helps you to be ready for the particular difficulties of the viva after you have already built up years of experience, skill and knowledge at dealing with difficulties in your research.

Viva prep won’t give you an answer for every question, but can help you to respond to any question.

Viva prep won’t show you how you’ll feel on the day, but will help shape you how approach the experience.

Viva prep won’t make you perfect – but will make you prepared. That’s all you need.

Bit By Bit

Idea by idea. Paper by paper. Day by day.

There’s no other way to put your PhD together than keep showing up, good days and bad, and work your way through. Learn more, do more, achieve more and find your way to becoming a good and capable researcher in your field.

When the time comes, this approach is what helps you prepare for your viva too. There’s no single activity that flips the switch to “ready”.

And, really, it’s how you get through the viva too.

Question by question.

Chapter by chapter.

Response by response.

Minute by minute you demonstrate the capable researcher that you became bit by bit.

And that’s enough.


Viva Survivors Summer Sabbatical: I’m taking July, August and September off from new writing to concentrate on other creative projects, so will be sharing a post from the archives every day throughout those months. Today’s post was originally published on May 23rd 2023.

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