Set Your Course

Good viva prep is like embarking on any long trip or expedition (or any project): you plan, figure out a direction and get started.

Good viva prep is planned. It’s less effective and more stressful if you improvise completely. It takes time to do and a little time to first consider how you will do it. You can decide when, where, how and so on. As you plan you can figure out sticking points or stumbling blocks.

You can set your course – but you also have to be ready to adapt if circumstances change.

If you have a bad day, if something goes wrong, if you forget something then the plan changes and you go with the changes. This is just what you would do with any long trip or expedition – or any project – or the viva itself!

Set your course, but be ready to adapt.

Why You Rehearse

An incomplete list of reasons why a PhD candidate would benefit from rehearsal before the viva.

To know how it might feel to be in the viva, minute to minute.

To get a sense of what you might do when you’re asked a question.

To get a sense of how you might feel and what you might do when you’re asked an unexpected question.

To practise what you might do when asked a question.

To practise talking about your work with a good audience.

To review how you did afterwards.

To explore your work.

To explore how you describe your work.

To ask questions about your work and how others see it.

To revise your plans for your viva prep.

To build your confidence for the viva.

To hopefully feel better about your viva.

To experience what it feels like to say “I don’t know.”

To demonstrate to yourself that you can do it.


Rehearsal isn’t limited to a mock viva. There are many other opportunities like having a chat, coffee with friends, giving a seminar or having a mini-viva.

And the list of reasons above is incomplete. Why else might you rehearse for your viva?

Look & Find

Look for the good stuff in your thesis. You might find typos or mistakes. These are good to know about, but it’s far more important to look for the contribution.

Look for people to help you get ready for your viva. Look for the right people: ask early for help, be clear and make sure you ask people who can really help you to get ready.

(and when you can be someone who offers help to others getting ready)

Look for expectations about the viva. If you’re not sure what to expect take the time to find out more. Again, ask the right people the right questions and you’ll find what you need to get a good sense of the viva.

For so much of the viva and viva prep, you have to see things clearly. And to do that you have to take the first step and look.

I For Interesting

Long time readers might remember my acronym VIVA that I find helpful for reflecting on thesis chapters. In brief:

  • What is valuable in the chapter?
  • What do you find interesting about the research?
  • Is there anything vague in what you’ve presented?
  • Are there any questions you think you’ll ask your examiners?

All of these can be useful to start a process of reflection and write a summary. The second word, interesting, provides encouragement as well.

When you think about what you find interesting you get a little lift. “This is what got me hooked,” or “This is why I wanted to know more.”

Perhaps even, “This is what helped me keep going.”

It’s worth reflecting on this as you prepare for your viva. What did you find interesting in your research? Why did it draw you in? What did you find? What would you love to share with others?

What’s Missing?

When you read through your thesis to get ready for your viva ask yourself, what’s missing?

When you make a plan for viva prep, take a short break, review it and ask yourself, what’s missing?

If you write a summary of your methodology, or of your examiners, or a cheatsheet of key points, take time at the end to reflect and ask, what’s missing?

As you pause and get your thoughts in order to respond to your examiners, take an extra beat and consider, what’s missing?


At any of these points you might reflect and conclude that nothing is missing! And that’s fine.

Still take that little moment, whenever it is, to ask what’s missing? – make that extra little effort to do your best.


PS: If you’re looking for more things to add to your viva prep plan or just more things to reflect on then do take a look at the Viva Help Bundle, still half price until Friday as a result of my little birthday sale!

Consistent & Different

Thesis annotation is a useful part of viva prep. Take time to review your thesis and add details to make a more useful version for your viva. Make things in your thesis easier to find and easier to see at a glance.

Thesis annotation is inherently personal as your thesis is unique. Follow your preferences for information and marking up work to make your thesis helpful for you.

Two words that might help you annotate well are consistent and different.

  • Be consistent in how you annotate things. If you underline your typos in red ink, for example, do that throughout your thesis and don’t switch it up.
  • Be different in how you annotate different things. So, for example, if you use pink highlighter to emphasise key references then use a green highlighter to add emphasis to quotes or statistics.

Keep consistent and different in mind to make the final, annotated version of your thesis as useful as possible for you at the viva. Make it so that when you see an addition it is clear and unambiguous.

Prep & Placebos

Prep helps to you get ready for your viva. Placebos help you to feel ready for your viva.

Prep is the practical work that gets you closer: read your thesis, make notes, check papers, rehearse with a mock viva and so on.

Placebos are the necessary activities and artefacts that help you feel better: the routines and rituals, the music that is just right or the outfit that helps you feel confident.

Both have an element of personal preference. Prep involves specific kinds of work done in particular ways to meet your needs. Placebos can be cultural but are more typically unique to each person.

(my paperweight is just for me!)

Prep helps you get ready. Placebos help you feel ready. Together they help you to be ready.

Getting There

How are you going to get to your viva?

If your viva is on campus, what route are you taking? Are you relying on public transport, driving yourself or getting a lift from a friend or family member?

When will you leave to be on time (or as early as you like)? How much time are you allowing in case of a delay?

What will you wear? What will you take? What will you take just in case you need it?

Decide in advance so that you remove some pressure – and hopefully stress – from your viva day.

(if your viva is going to be over Zoom many of these questions have counterparts worth considering)


Include some rest time in your viva prep plan.

Your circumstances might not allow for proper time off. Holidays and breaks might be out but certainly give yourself time away from your research.

Your day-to-day life might be filled with work, family obligations or caring responsibilities. If this is so, don’t then go straight from submitting your thesis to viva prep.

Rest from your research. Rest from your thesis. A little breathing room will help when you return to your work.

Differences Matter

I couldn’t decide what to title this post. I was thinking about Differences Don’t Matter, then Differences Do Matter and then Do/Don’t! Maybe you can decide at the end which word seems best. Hopefully you’ll appreciate why this needed a little thought – and I’m still thinking 🙂


Some differences don’t matter when it comes to the viva and viva prep. Your thesis might be bigger than your friend’s, but you still just need to get ready. That difference doesn’t make a difference to the work involved.

You might have an examiner who is an expert whereas your friend had someone more general. They had their supervisor present but you feel that that’s not the right approach for you. These are differences, but do they alter the viva’s purpose or process? I don’t think so.

Of course, two big and important caveats:

  • differences like those above might matter to you because they do change things for you. A larger thesis or a different format might change how you need to approach your prep. Examiner A or Examiner B might change the situation for you.
  • some differences might necessarily have an impact to time, resources and the approach you take; if you have particular requirements that need to be met for your viva or viva prep – for any reason – then that could change the situation for you compared to someone else.

Maybe it’s as simple as this: differences don’t change the what or the why of the viva and viva prep. You still need to get ready. The purpose and general process of the viva remain unchanged. Some aspects just are.

Differences could likely change the how of the viva or viva prep: a specific approach might be particular to you or any other individual. Your needs might alter a very practical element of your prep or the viva day. Sometimes a difference could be as simple as how you feel – and what you might then need to do as a result.

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