The Most Effective Viva Prep Strategy
Or MEVPS, for short.
There isn’t one, not one that works for everyone. Everyone is different, every candidate has a unique thesis, every candidate has a unique set of circumstances and a unique situation when they get to preparation time for the viva. So to say, “Here: the MEVPS is X, Y and Z and you’ll be fine!” would a terrible lie. I don’t have a MEVPS to offer.
But I do have a strategy for building a useful, unique approach for you:
- Reflect on the particular gaps you have in your knowledge or confidence for the viva.
- List some things you could do to fill those gaps, estimating generously how much time they might take.
- Reflect on how busy you are generally, then see how the tasks you need to do can fit in with your life.
- Make a simple plan, pick a start date and be kind to yourself with what you will do on that first day.
- Start, and follow through on the plan.
The details will be different for everyone, but everyone can figure out a route to being prepared by following the SFSPFCAPVPP.
(that’s Simple Five Step Process For Creating A Personal Viva Prep Plan!)