The Exceptions

Viva expectations have exceptions. Aspects tend towards certain patterns, like viva lengths and opening questions. A thesis topic, the candidate, the day or the examiners could all have an impact on what actually happens.

Good ideas of viva preparation have exceptions. A mock viva is almost-universally seen as a great piece of preparation work but you might know for you, your supervisor or your situation it won’t be a help.

Advice about the viva follows certain well-intentioned tracks but there can be exceptions. Do this, unless… This is great, but…

Exceptions can be frustrating but you have to grapple with them. If there is a common idea for a typical situation (expectation, prep, advice and so on) then when you meet an exception you have to consider:

  • Is the common idea a specific detail of a broader idea?
  • Is it completely unhelpful to the exception or can it be adapted?
  • And whatever the case, what can we do?

That last question is key. Whatever the general situation, whatever the exception, what can we do?

Because, whatever the exception, we – the candidate, the helper, the person on the internet writing a blog post – have to do something. That’s the only way forward.

Maybe there are no unique solutions but there are also no impossible situations – no exceptions!