Positive Prep
If viva prep feels like a grind and a bore then you need to change how you’re approaching it.
It’s not that it should be FUN or that you should perform a series of fist pumps every time you read your thesis, but it will help you to feel ready and confident for your viva if you have a positive association with your prep, your research and your thesis.
If prep feels like a grind and a bore then perhaps you could try some of the following:
- Can you switch to a different task for a day or two?
- Can you change the time that you’re doing viva prep work?
- Can you move to a different space to get the work done?
- Can you ask for help from someone?
- Can you bring a little fun to the process?
- Can you motivate yourself with a small reward of some kind?
Any positive connections you can find will help. What can you do to help you get your viva prep done in a positive way?