People Like Us

Seth Godin, one of my favourite people in the world, defines culture as people like us do things like this.

It’s helpful to unpick who “us” is and what “this” is in the context of viva prep.

  • People like your examiners do things like prepare well for your viva.
  • People like your institutional staff do things like provide helpful resources and sessions to help you get ready for your viva.
  • People like your supervisors do things like offer mock vivas and perspectives to help you prepare.

When we consider the bigger culture of the viva and the people like you, the people who have a viva, there are some really big cultural “this”-points to recognise too.

  • People like you do things like succeed at the viva.
  • People like you do things like prepare well for the viva.
  • People like you do things like staying determined, becoming knowledgeable, developing their abilities and building their confidence.

People like you do things like succeed at their viva – then go on to even better things.

People Like You

People like us do things like this.

Seth Godin‘s definition of culture is useful to reflect on when unpicking expectations for the viva. How long are they? How do they start? What happens?

Regulations tell you some of the details, but the rest comes from looking at what examiners do because of how they are trained, their experience and also the practices of their department or discipline.

People like us do things like this.

What do you do? What do people like you do? What does the culture say about the kinds of things that a postgraduate researcher does?

  • Postgraduate researchers do things like becoming more skilled and knowledgeable.
  • Postgraduate researchers do things like showing determination.
  • Postgraduate researchers do things like getting ready for the viva.
  • Postgraduate researchers do things like passing the viva.
  • Postgraduate researchers do things like making a difference.

So what will you do? And what could you help your community – your us – do as you and they get ready for their viva?