Make A Note

Make a note of any papers that have helped your research develop.

Make a note of the times that you remember great success during your PhD.

Make a note of what you know about the viva.

Make a note of anything you know about your examiners’ interests.

Make a note of methods, questions or ideas that you find tricky.

Make a note of topics you need to discuss with your supervisor.

Make a note of times when you remember presenting well.

Make a note of challenges you overcame throughout your PhD, particularly with the pandemic.

Then reflect. What stands out? What helps you? What do you need to do as a result?

Remember to make a note of anything that could help you, in some way, be more ready for your viva.

Make A Note

Making notes helps with the viva process.

You can make a note in the viva. It could be a helpful pause in the middle of a difficult conversation. It might help you to stop and unpick a challenging question.

You can make a note (or twelve) on your thesis before the viva to help make it a better resource for the viva.

You can make a note – lots of them! – for every time you think of something that you did that has helped you grow on your PhD journey.

And you can make a note, just one, and keep it close to you through the final stages of your PhD and viva prep:

“I could not have got this far by being lucky. I must be good.”