That’s how long I’ve been writing this blog. Longer than I spent on my PhD!
I started with the following short post in 2017:
I’ve got a few questions for you: Did you do the work? Did you show up at the library or the lab or the office? Did you overcome obstacles through the tough times? Did you learn, did you grow, did you develop?
If you did all of these during your PhD, how could you be in a bad position for the viva?
It’s understandable if you are nervous, but it’s no accident that you’ve got this far. Keep going.
I’ve written about a lot of different aspects of the viva in the last four years, over 1400 posts, but this remains a core message of the blog. The final two words of that first post resonate personally, particularly given the last year or so.
Keep going. That’s my overall plan for this blog. I’m proud that Viva Survivors has reached so many people over the last four years, but equally happy that it’s had such an impact on me personally and professionally. I’ve been thrilled in the last twelve months to use this platform to reach out and share webinars. I’m looking forward to sharing more exciting things in the coming months.
If this is your first post or your hundredth, thank you for reading!
If your viva is coming soon, keep going. You’ll do it.
If your viva is behind you, keep going. There’s even better stuff ahead.
And again, thank you for reading 🙂