Happy Christmas

From me and my family to you and yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and very best wishes for 2025. However you celebrate at this time of year, or if you don’t, I wish nothing but the best for you and anyone you love.

Viva Survivors will take a break for a few days now. On Saturday 28th December I’ll share the first of four “best of” posts for this year. Expect daily lists of my favourite posts through to the 31st.

New Viva Survivors posts return on January 1st 2025!

Until then, here’s one of my favourite posts from 2021: A Visit From St. Nate 🙂


Happy Christmas!

Very best wishes from my family to you and yours, wherever you are. I hope you take a break in the coming weeks, rest, relax, recover a little. I plan to!

Viva Survivors is on a break now for a few days; service resumes with four “Best of 2020” days from Monday 28th December 2020. These list posts from the year that I think are particularly good. From Friday 1st January 2021 we’ll be back to regular new posts every day.

You can catch up on any or all of those later though. For now, rest. If your viva is coming up in January, it can wait for now. It really can. Take a little time for you and your loved ones.

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

I’m taking the next few days off from posting. If you’re preparing for your viva because it’s in January, I hope you still find time to switch off from your preparations. They can wait, and however you mark this time of year, spend time with people you love rather than your thesis.

The Viva Survivors blog will return on the 27th for five days of links to my best posts of this year. If you’re looking for help with viva prep, want to explore questions or tips, or are just looking for some reflections on the viva and confidence then check out those posts.

Very best wishes to you and yours, and thank you for reading!


Happy Christmas

A quick note…

This is the last blog post until the 27th. For a few days after that I’ll be publishing round-up posts on some of my favourite posts from the last nine months, then things will get back to normal (for some value of normal) with new daily posts.

However you celebrate this time of year, I hope you have a good time.

If your viva is in the New Year, take a break, prep can wait.

All the best, and thanks for reading!
