The Biggest What If

What if it happened at my viva?

Whatever it is, there would be consequences. That’s a simplified way to look at the situation, but it’s the most accurate. The most dire “what if” differs for everyone; depending on the exact details the consequences could vary a lot.

It might be forgetting something. In which case you could take time to recall. You could annotate your thesis to help you remember. There’s something to do.

It might be worrying about saying “I don’t know” – which is a common viva worry. Saying “I don’t know” is not the end of the viva. Rehearsal before the viva helps a lot. Remembering you can pause in the viva to think about why you don’t know.

It might be anxiety about failing. Failure at the viva is rare. This might be the biggest what if: which means that if you worry about it then you have to do something to move on.

If you’re really worried that you might fail then you need to explore why. You need to talk to your supervisors or someone you trust. You need to figure out what’s at the root of the worry. You need to do something.

It doesn’t just happen. You don’t just think about it for no reason. If you can figure out what’s causing you to wonder “what if…?” you can then take steps to move past it.

Edison’s Mistakes

Edison failed in his pursuit of a lightbulb 500 times, 1000 times or even 10,000 times depending on which (probably exaggerated!) account you read. What is certain is that he made mistakes, but he didn’t really fail because he kept pursuing. He tried things, probably believing for good reasons that he would be successful, but he was wrong a lot.

All of that wrong helped him to be ultimately right.

Now, hopefully you haven’t succeeded in spite of 10,000 mistakes during your PhD – but if you arrive at submission you must have made mistakes along the way. Things forgotten, things that didn’t work out, things you can’t explain, things that are wrong… Through all of that you’ve made it to success and submission. Mistakes are part of the PhD process, both of doing the research that becomes your thesis and of developing the skills that make you a capable researcher.

It’s fine to remember you made mistakes, but not helpful to dwell on them. Understand them, but not focus on them.

Determination is another part of the PhD process, wrapped around mistakes and setbacks and failures. Determination to see things through. If you make it through a difficult path to submission, then you’ve got the determination to prepare for and pass your viva.

Failure Is (Not) An Option

If every outcome was a pass with various conditions then the viva wouldn’t be an exam. Failing is possible but not likely. A rare outcome, not one you should expect.

Failure is an option for the PhD viva, but one that comes at the end of a generally long list of possible outcomes: no corrections, minor corrections, major corrections, resubmission without a viva, resubmission with a viva, awarded an MPhil, no award. Failure is the exceptionally rare last option that makes the viva an exam and not some kind of confirmation process.

Don’t expect it for your viva. Given everything you’ve done and how far you’ve come, it’s not an option for you and your thesis.


Failure at the viva is rare. There are many, many reasons why this is the case. The three that come first to my mind are: you did the research, wrote the thesis and you know how to answer questions about your work and field.

Still, the brain looks at outliers and thinks, “Why not me?”

Remember: the viva is pressured, important, but also just the latest occasion you’ve had to talk about your research and field.