Engaging With Questions

The viva isn’t an interview, a quiz or trial by (verbal) combat!

The viva is a discussion. Examiners prepare, ask questions and make comments to facilitate a discussion. They need you to talk so that they can gather evidence to justify the decisions they’ll make about you, your thesis and your viva’s outcome.

So what does it mean to engage with their questions?

  • You need to listen and be certain you understand. So take your time.
  • If you’re not sure of what’s being said or asked then ask for clarification.
  • To engage well you might need to check your thesis, make a note or stare off into space for a moment or two.
  • Your viva is not a race and you don’t need to be in a rush.

Engaging with questions at the viva means treating each one like an opportunity. Every question is asked for a reason.

Every question, essentially, is asked to give you a chance to say something about your work, your thesis or yourself.

Yes, And

One of the main principles of improvisational comedy is “yes, and…

There’s no script in improv. If you’re on stage and someone says something, you agree with them and build on what they have said. If someone remarks about the (imaginary) hat that you’re wearing you accept the idea they have introduced and build on it.

How remarkable, I’ve never seen a hat like that before!

Yes, it was my grandfather’s he made it himself-

-he sewed a great mass of tentacles on to the brim?

Yes, and it’s very comfortable, would you like to try it on?

Scene! (that’s quite enough of that!!)


While the viva might not be a time for laughing and joking, the principle of “yes, and” – of accepting and building on what has come before – is definitely part of the discussion you’re going to have.

Your examiners will ask questions and your job is to engage. You say yes to the question and then build on the discussion with your words.

It’s not about saying yes to every comment, or agreeing with every point: you say yes rather than try to divert. You say yes and engage rather than try to evade the topic or displace it with something you’d rather talk about.

In the viva your main responsibility is to engage with whatever questions your examiners ask. Say yes to their questions and then share your thoughts to give them what they need to help you pass.