Best of Viva Survivors 2024: Confidence

Day three of my best of posts for 2024. I love to think about how to encourage confidence, both in general and for the viva in particular. It’s a topic I keep thinking about because of how powerful it can be in changing someone’s way of doing things.

How confident do you feel for your viva? What steps do you take to pursue confidence?

Contribution To Confidence

Contribution and confidence would seem to go hand-in-hand. If you make a contribution to your field of research it would seem natural that you would feel some confidence in yourself and for your viva.

The problem is everything else that gets in the way: long hours, setbacks, the years-long time period for a PhD, redrafting writing, redoing research… Over time, the nature of the PhD can get in the way of appreciating just how far you’ve come.

One way to help yourself might be to consider where you put your focus when you think about your PhD journey.

If you focus on the struggle, the hours and the problem you’ll probably not feel so confident. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the volume of hard stuff that can be part of a PhD.

If you focus on your contribution, your outputs and how much you’ve grown then you’ll probably find the confidence you need for your viva. Your efforts have produced results – that’s the only way they could exist.

Your research contribution can lead to confidence, provided that you focus on the right things when you get ready for your viva.


PS: confidence is a big theme of my upcoming Viva Survivor session! Join me on Thursday 5th December live on Zoom to explore finding confidence, viva expectations, viva prep and more. Full details are over on Eventbrite and I’d love to see you at the webinar.