Changes After Submission
You might have corrections to complete after the viva, but between submission and the viva you don’t need to make any alterations.
Find a typo? Underline it or add it to a list.
See a reference that needs a tweak? Write in the margins or add it to a list.
Read a sentence that could be better? Underline it, write in the margins or add it to a list!
You don’t need to make changes to your thesis, but you might need to make changes to yourself between submission and the viva.
You might need to change your mind on what the viva will be like, if you hear more positive expectations than the worries you’ve been carrying around.
You might need to change your perspective on your examiners if you learn a little about their research.
And you might have to change the story you tell yourself about how capable you are, if you’re feeling a lack of confidence after submission.
After submission, change yourself – not your thesis.