Engaging With Questions

The viva isn’t an interview, a quiz or trial by (verbal) combat!

The viva is a discussion. Examiners prepare, ask questions and make comments to facilitate a discussion. They need you to talk so that they can gather evidence to justify the decisions they’ll make about you, your thesis and your viva’s outcome.

So what does it mean to engage with their questions?

  • You need to listen and be certain you understand. So take your time.
  • If you’re not sure of what’s being said or asked then ask for clarification.
  • To engage well you might need to check your thesis, make a note or stare off into space for a moment or two.
  • Your viva is not a race and you don’t need to be in a rush.

Engaging with questions at the viva means treating each one like an opportunity. Every question is asked for a reason.

Every question, essentially, is asked to give you a chance to say something about your work, your thesis or yourself.

Your Best Is Enough

If you can honestly say that you tried hard, learned lots and did the work for your PhD then that’s enough. If you can say that despite challenges and obstacles, setbacks and worse, that you did your best throughout your PhD then that’s enough.

Your determination, knowledge and capability helped you to keep going. That will help you to get ready for your viva.

Ultimately, it’s what will lead you to succeed in your viva.

Your best is enough.

Some Examiners

Some examiners say harsh things…

Some examiners don’t prepare well…

Some examiners treat the viva as box-ticking…

Some examiners use the viva as an opportunity to be cruel…

I can’t dispute the possibility of these kinds of statements. I’ve heard them before and I’ve heard fragments of enough stories to know that these statements are true.

…for some examiners.

Not all. Not most. In fact, only for a tiny percentage.

The vast majority of academics who take on an examiner responsibility try to do it well. The vast majority prepare and plan and get ready. They’re careful and thorough. Being asked questions might not always be comfortable – but the atmosphere in the viva is not totally dictated by examiners.

Some examiners could be described as not doing the job well.

Most examiners will do what’s appropriate.

Don’t let the rare exception skew your expectations.

Considering Prep

If you’re trying to explore any problem or project then remember SWOT:

  • What strengths do you have that could help?
  • Do you have any weaknesses that could make this more difficult?
  • What opportunities might you take advantage of in this situation?
  • Are there any threats to your success?

In particular, when it comes to viva prep, you could apply the questions to consider the following:

  • What could you consider as strengths for getting ready? (resources, knowledge, skills)
  • What weaknesses do you need to address? (resources, circumstances, perspectives)
  • Are there opportunities you could use to help you get ready? (people, events, resources)
  • Are there any threats to getting the work done? (events, risks, situations)

Exploring each of these could help you plan your viva preparation.

Remember that while your plans might not go exactly as you want, given the momentum you have from your PhD journey so far and the talent you have built up there are no real threats that could stop you being prepared for your viva.

A Resolution…

…is just a choice.

It doesn’t have to be done at a special time on a special day in a special way.

The first day of a new year has a nice symbolism though.

If your viva is some time in the next twelve months, you don’t have to make a heroic stand today. You don’t have to declare that you’re going to do all the things, read all the papers and think all the thoughts to get ready. You can simply make a choice:

  • You can choose to prepare well when the time comes.
  • You can choose to work hard to get your thesis as good as it can be.
  • You can choose to reflect on your PhD journey so you build up your confidence.

These are just simple choices, not big deals. Little steps to help you get where you need to be.

Whether your viva is in the next twelve months or not, I hope your choices take you somewhere good in 2025!

Best of Viva Survivors 2024: Surviving

Today’s the final day of 2024 and the final day of my best of posts for 2024.

The blog is called Viva Survivors, so we have to have some posts about surviving!

  • You Did The Work: four words to remind you; four words to help you keep going.
  • Pick A Number: a little exercise to help you take positive action.
  • Hope Helps…: …but actions help more!
  • Whatever You Need: reflect on what you need then work to get it. Create the situation you need to succeed.
  • How Many Times? A reminder that the viva is the latest challenge – and you’ve already overcome a lot of them.

How have you got through your PhD? What helped you manage to keep going in difficult circumstances?

And what’s going to help you survive in 2025?

Best of Viva Survivors 2024: Confidence

Day three of my best of posts for 2024. I love to think about how to encourage confidence, both in general and for the viva in particular. It’s a topic I keep thinking about because of how powerful it can be in changing someone’s way of doing things.

How confident do you feel for your viva? What steps do you take to pursue confidence?

Best of Viva Survivors 2024: Reflections

Day two of my best of posts for 2024. I am very fortunate to have time to think about and write about the viva.

I like to try and consider the viva from as many angles as possible, which leads to posts like today’s that reflect on the overall viva experience.

How have you been thinking about your viva over the last year? And how do you think you might need to change your thinking?

Best of Viva Survivors 2024: Viva Prep

I’m always happy to get to this time of year when I can share some of my favourite posts from the last twelve months!

Today we begin with viva prep. It’s a key thing for any candidate to reflect on how they will get ready. The following five posts can help:

And of course there are many more posts about viva prep on Viva Survivors if you’re looking for ideas of what you can do to get ready for your viva!

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