Arguing The Point
Defending your thesis doesn’t mean that you need to argue throughout the viva. Defending can simply be supporting what you’ve done and written, providing clarity if something isn’t as clear as you hoped or confirmation if your examiners just need a little more.
There is a possibility though that you might need to argue. You might need to say that you believe or know that you are right. You might need to say that you believe or know that your examiner’s opinion is not correct, incomplete or not seeing the whole picture.
Remember that arguing the point does not need to be assertive. You don’t need to dial your speech up to 11 to win!
Ask questions. Listen carefully. Think even more carefully. Speak clearly to get your reasons across. And be sure you know your examiner’s reasons before you argue against their point or opinion.
Thesis defence does not imply that it is under attack. It certainly doesn’t mean that you are under attack.