Resolving Viva Problems
Hope for the best, plan for – well, let’s not say the worst! However, sometimes the best doesn’t happen and it helps to have a way to tackle problems while you’re getting ready for the viva.
- Maybe you read something that causes you to pause. Maybe you find a mistake in your thesis.
- Perhaps an examiner cancels or has to postpone. Perhaps you encounter an issue with your own availability.
- Or it could be as simple and difficult as nervousness, anxiety, worry or concern for what might happen when you get to the viva.
Problems come in all shapes and sizes. It’s very hard to remove the possibility of all problems occurring. Even so, keep in mind that whatever problems come your way you can always do something to help your situation.
Whatever problem you face as you get ready for your viva, ask yourself three questions:
- Why is this a problem?
- How could you improve the situation?
- What will you do?
Asking why explores the reason for the problem. Asking how explores your options for tackling it. Asking what gives you a way forward.
These questions might only be the first step to clearing a problem aside, but that might be enough to help you past the situation and closer to being ready for your viva.