Always Something You Can Do

These words sum up part of my general philosophy for PhD candidates at and before their viva.

There is always something you can do.

Before the viva if you feel nervous, anxious or worried, there is always something you can do to improve how you feel. If you are concerned about a particular aspect of your research and how to communicate it then will be something you can do to help yourself.

If you don’t know something about the viva process then there is something you can do, someone to ask or regulations to read. You can always do something to help your preparation, even a little more, right up to the moment you go to your viva.

In your viva, whatever happens, there is always something you can do to engage with the discussion. There is always something you can do to help how you’re feeling in that moment. There is always something you can do to respond well.

You can pause. You can think. You can take a sip of water. You can ask for a break. You can ask for clarification. You can write a note. You can work something out. You can check your thesis.

And you can be brilliant. That’s what you have to be to get to your viva.

There’s always something you can do – and actually there is a lot you can do to help yourself, whatever the situation.