Needing Your Supervisors
What do you need from your supervisors?
I only had the one. Throughout my PhD I needed him to explain things to me, particularly in the beginning. I needed him to listen to how I was getting on, and check my logic and reasoning. I needed a mentor and supporter and was very fortunate to have the person I did as my supervisor.
After submission I needed to talk, to explain what I had done and to see if those words seemed sensible. I needed someone who I could still turn to and check when my doubts overwhelmed my memory. I needed someone with experience who could help give me some sense of what my examiners might think of my research.
What do you need from your supervisors?
You might need them to tell you about the viva. You might need them to host a mock viva for you. You might need them to give you a different perspective or to tell you all about your external. You might need them to tell you why your examiners were good choices for your viva. And you might need them to be at your viva!
To get the help you need from your supervisors, you have to tell them what you need. You have to check how busy they are so that you can make any arrangements in a way that meet both your needs.
When you know what you need, ask.