Power Ups For The Viva
The following is by no means an exhaustive list of power ups for the viva!
- Wearing the right outfit for you.
- Having a mock viva.
- Two cups of coffee.
- Re-reading your methods chapter.
- The right conversation with the right person.
- Knowing the regulations.
- Listening to music that helps you relax.
- Doing something that helps you feel better.
- Making notes about examiners.
- Wearing your good day socks.
Some are common sense. Some make sense. Some seem like nonsense – but they only have to help you feel powered up for your viva, they don’t have to be for everyone.
Some you could do regularly to help. Others are one-offs. Some you have to wait for the viva to come around.
For some you can see the direct helpful link, and for others you can probably see that they’re helpful placebos, things that remind or encourage.
You might not be in total control of how you feel about your viva, but you’re not powerless either. What power ups will you choose to use?