Imagine Your Success

What will it be like to hear your examiners congratulate you?

What do you think your friends and family will say?

How do you want to celebrate passing your viva?

It helps to imagine what success might be like. You can use it to make future plans and motivate your viva preparation. Looking ahead can build your confidence up too. If you can dream it, maybe you can make it real.


What corrections do you think you might get?

How long are you given to complete minor corrections at your university?

How busy might you be during the likely correction period?

It helps to think about the likely practicalities of viva success! Most candidates are asked to complete minor corrections, so it’s probable that you will have to do that too. Looking ahead can help you to think about the weeks after your viva realistically.


Imagine your success, both the happy realities of passing your viva and the practical nature of finishing your PhD.