Good Day Socks Work!

I wore a pair of my good day socks to the viva – socks that I always wore when I wanted the day to be a good day – and I passed!

After my viva I continued to wear the socks on days I thought would be challenging: a day I was doing a seminar for the first time or travelling and had to make a series of connections. The socks helped me to feel better.

Were they lucky socks? No! They just helped me to navigate challenging days more easily. I felt better wearing them – and realised eventually that I could have every day be a good day if I had enough pairs!

I also have particular shirts, a picture that my daughter drew for me and a special paperweight that help me. All of them help me to feel better when I have something difficult to do.

Do my good day socks or other comforts have anything to do with the particulars of my work? No, they’re just part of the story I tell myself that leads me to feel confident.

Good day socks work for me, but they might not work for you. Before your viva, take time to find something that will help. Look for the little things that can help lead you to the confidence that helps you feel ready.