Lots Of Help

Did you know that there is a link on the Viva Survivors site that takes you to a random post?

You can click here and the magic of the internet will, today, whisk you away to one of almost 2000 posts.

(there’s a very small chance that it will bring you back here!)

I just used the link three times and it gave me these posts:

  • Show Your Working – exploring the idea of demonstrating what you have done.
  • And So On – thoughts on engaging with questions in the viva.
  • Unscripted – a short post about the value of rehearsal.

If you’re looking for help with the viva there is a lot of it on this site now. A lot. And there is even more out there in the world. Your institution, your supervisors, your friends, other great blogs and resources.

Whatever you need for the viva, whatever’s missing, you can find help if you look for it or if you ask.

And if you’re not sure what you need then you can’t go too wrong by clicking to get a random post of viva help.