7 Reasons, 3 Times
I’m happy that over the last year I’ve been able to continue sharing viva help to universities, as well as opening up my 1-hour webinars to PGRs directly. It’s been great to take the opportunity of delivering short sessions over Zoom and to share my work with so many people.
I’ve tried to offer my 7 Reasons You’ll Pass Your Viva sessions as regularly as I can, but have been aware that my mostly-Monday morning slots were not always the most accessible time.
So! I’m delivering 7 Reasons You’ll Pass Your Viva three times in the coming weeks:
- Monday 21st June 2021, 11am-12pm – the classic Monday morning session!
- Tuesday 22nd June 2021, 7pm-8pm – the not-quite-late night Tuesday session!
- Wednesday 23rd June 2021, 2pm-3pm – the before-school-pick-up Wednesday session!
Despite delivering the same webinar for three days in a row there are no video recordings involved – I will be delivering the session live each time. An hour of viva help, key information, top tips, practical pointers, a chance to ask questions and get answers – plus a follow-up email summarising the session and sharing even more.
Registration for all of these sessions is open now: places are limited and until midnight this Wednesday there is a special earlybird ticket. If your viva is some time this year, if you’re looking for help or advice, if you need to know what you need to know about the viva process then this session is for you.
You can find links and details for all of the dates here, plus the date for another session in July (which is likely to be my final date until September). If you have questions about 7 Reasons You’ll Pass Your Viva just email or tweet and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Thanks for reading! I hope to share this session with you soon 🙂