Making A Fuss
It’s not making a fuss if you ask your supervisor for help before the viva.
It’s not making a fuss if you think something is wrong with your viva or the outcome and believe you need to appeal something.
It’s not making a fuss to make a complaint about your viva.
It’s not making a fuss if you feel nervous or worried and need to share that with someone to try and get some help.
I often say the viva is not the most important thing ever in a person’s life, but that doesn’t mean you need to just trivialise it. It’s right to not just dismiss any concerns or worries. Make the most of your viva. Make it the best it can be. And if you need to ask questions, ask for help, make a complaint, appeal or whatever to do that then that’s what you need to do.
It’s not making a fuss to do what you need to do for your viva.