The Slush Pile
I have folders of ideas that haven’t quite made it into reality. Everything from blog posts and simple games to books and workshop concepts.
Now and then I review them. Sometimes something will click and I’ll see a way to make that thing real; sometimes I’ll see that the idea is not relevant any more, or feel that it has been surpassed by something else.
And often I’ll just have a feeling the idea needs more time or a later collision with another idea, so back in the folder it will go.
Before the viva your focus needs to be the work you’ve done: what you’ve completed, why it’s good and how you did it. But keep an hour for checking your slush pile, the ideas that didn’t quite come together. Not something you now need to add to your thesis, just something to turn around in your mind again. Look for the ways they connect with your achievements and see what you could do with them in the future.
Your next big idea could already be waiting for you.