Different Audiences
Here’s a thirty minute viva prep exercise. It aims to help you think differently about your thesis by considering how you could communicate your work with other people. All you need is something to write on and write with.
Take 5 minutes to make general notes, first thoughts about your research and how you share it with others.
Take 5 minutes to plot out a conference talk about your best work. What must you include?
Take 5 minutes to sketch a thirty minute talk at a local high school. How would you begin?
Take 5 minutes to brainstorm for a Three Minute Thesis talk. What would you have to cut out of your normal explanations?
Take 5 minutes to think about your elevator pitch. What would you say if you were in a lift with the head of your university?
Finally, take 5 minutes to review. What ideas or themes consistently showed up? What surprised you? What can you do with these ideas now? How does this help you to frame your work for others?
Exploring different perspectives and looking at your work in a fresh way is valuable. Make time to take a step back in your viva preparations and consider what someone else might think of your thesis. And think: you have the outline for four or five different kinds of talks about your work now. Why not give one of them?