After my viva I felt like I was celebrating because that’s what I was supposed to do. My family was thrilled for me, but I just didn’t want to celebrate that evening. My viva wasn’t bad, but by the end I was tired, numb. I didn’t begin to feel like celebrating until days later.
How do you think you might feel after your viva?
Do you think you’ll be saying, “Phew! I’m glad that’s done!”?
Will you frame celebrations as “This is a treat for finishing!”?
Or will you be thinking, “Now what?” – which is pretty much what was going through my mind after the viva.
As with many things, if you can reflect a little on how you feel now, you might be able to steer your motivations. If you’re thinking, “I’ll be glad when this is over,” you’re not likely to have a positive spin on things. Maybe you’re not in charge of your emotional state completely, but you can steer things.
However you feel, remember to celebrate. Passing the viva is big.