Some Examiners
Some examiners say harsh things…
Some examiners don’t prepare well…
Some examiners treat the viva as box-ticking…
Some examiners use the viva as an opportunity to be cruel…
I can’t dispute the possibility of these kinds of statements. I’ve heard them before and I’ve heard fragments of enough stories to know that these statements are true.
…for some examiners.
Not all. Not most. In fact, only for a tiny percentage.
The vast majority of academics who take on an examiner responsibility try to do it well. The vast majority prepare and plan and get ready. They’re careful and thorough. Being asked questions might not always be comfortable – but the atmosphere in the viva is not totally dictated by examiners.
Some examiners could be described as not doing the job well.
Most examiners will do what’s appropriate.
Don’t let the rare exception skew your expectations.