Not Forgotten
Hello all! How are you? How have you been over the summer? Hard to believe that November is almost upon us. I don’t know where 2013 has disappeared to, and since I became a father in the last six weeks,...
Daily viva help for PhDs
Hello all! How are you? How have you been over the summer? Hard to believe that November is almost upon us. I don’t know where 2013 has disappeared to, and since I became a father in the last six weeks,...
Hello all! It’s been a while since I updated, work and personal life have intruded and made it more difficult for me to record and post. That’s all coming to an end though! Although I have a major life change...
I hope that you all had a great Christmas and New Year! 2012 was a great year for the podcast. I really enjoyed talking with all of my interviewees, and hearing about their experiences during their PhDs and vivas. It’s...
I’ve been asking a lot of questions recently via the @VivaSurvivors Twitter account. I wanted to know about the experiences of PhD graduates, even if that meant polling people in 140 characters or less. I had an inkling that people...
As I’ve been tweeting, the next episode should be recorded later today; with any luck I will be editing that tomorrow, and then it should go up on Wednesday or Thursday. I’m interviewing another maths colleague, but perhaps someone who...
Last week I tweeted, asking I’ve got one response so far: @VivaSurvivors Be nice to hear typical pitfalls from examiners. Worst things people have said in vivas would be painful but captivating — Sam Hayes (@samuelhayes) July 31, 2012 This...
In this episode I’m talking with Dr Ben Libberton, who runs the website Literature Review HQ. Ben completed his PhD in Microbial Ecology last year, and recently graduated from the University of Liverpool. As well as running his site, he...
About a year ago I had an idea to interview people about their viva and share their experiences, so that PhD candidates would have the mysteriousness of the viva demystified a little. I wanted to ask people about how they...