Upcoming Workshop
Your viva prep could be going great. You could feel totally ready for the day. Great! Keep going, and share what’s working for you with others.
Maybe you don’t know where to start. Maybe you’re not feeling sure. Maybe you’re looking for more help than you can find. If you are, or if you know someone who is, then please check out my Viva Survivor workshop which is on October 4th in Manchester. I run this session in universities all over the UK, and have done for seven years now. I want to help as many researchers as possible with their viva prep and have been developing independent sessions and resources for the last year. This is the only independent session I will run in 2017.

The venue is the fantastic Ziferblat Edge Street in Manchester. The details for the workshop are at the Eventbrite page: what you can expect, what others say about the workshop and why this session might be for you. It’s going to be something quite special – I’m very happy to be able to share something like this. Registration is only £50 and this pays for your attendance at the session, on-course materials, refreshments and a participant pack with lots of goodies to help with viva preparation.

Thanks for reading. If you need help, ask for it. If you can give help, offer it.