I wanted to call this post…
The Picture In My Head Is Not The Picture In Your Head
…but even I have my limits!
This phrase came to me recently when my daughter was trying to explain something from school. She was getting frustrated, starting to tire of my questions until just before she got angry I thought to say, “Sweetie, the picture in my head is not the picture in your head. I don’t understand yet what you mean, so I have to ask questions to try and imagine what you’re seeing.”
And she stopped and considered; then we started again and after a few more minutes there was understanding.
Your thesis has tens of thousands of words, and the picture it puts in your examiners’ heads may not match the picture you have in yours. So they have to ask questions.
The picture of a viva in your mind might be muddled or unclear compared to the stories your friends tell you. Asking questions and listening to the responses helps.
Your description of your contribution to research, while clearly matching the picture in your head, may be lacking detail when a reader sees it in their mind.
The picture in my head is not the picture in your head. And the picture in your head is not the same as the picture in your examiners’ heads, your supervisor’s mind and so on.
Patient listening helps. Careful questions help. Practice before the viva helps your performance on the day.
You can’t simply will someone to see the picture you see.
You can learn how to guide someone to a closer understanding of your picture though.