Thank Your Supporters
You can’t get to the end of a PhD without supporters.
They could have lots of different connections to you – your supervisor, your colleagues, family and friends – and they may help in lots of different ways.
You need help along the way, from people who can give you critical but constructive feedback, and people who help you to believe in yourself.
Say thank you when you go the distance. Reflect on what your supporters have done to help and write a word or two in your acknowledgements. Let them know how they’ve helped when you’re getting ready for your viva, and ask again if there’s one more thing they can do to help you get it right. Let them know how you’ve done afterwards and thank them one more time!
Today is my tenth wedding anniversary and I have been fortunate to have my wife support me for the last decade. I know what work I’ve done to come this far, and know I couldn’t have done it without her love, her encouragement, her patience, her listening, her feedback, her humour and so much more. This site wouldn’t exist without her support.
Thank you Kay 🙂