Essential on April Fool’s Day, and equally important if your viva is coming up.
Think about the story you tell yourself (and others) about your research journey. How did you get where you are?
I was lucky…
…it just sort of happened…
…I happened to notice…
…I just worked at it…
Little word choices can become focal points of the story.
“I just worked at it,” doesn’t do justice to your story. You worked and you worked and you worked at it. You kept going. You learned, you developed. You didn’t simply notice something, you saw it because you were looking. Things don’t just happen, you created opportunities.
Check your story: make sure the words you use are true, of course, but tell the best version of the story that you can. One that others will listen to with interest, and one that will also help you feel you’re ready for your viva.