Prep Schedule Prep

If you’re busy and you need to get ready for your viva, don’t panic.

If you have a job, and/or family commitments, and/or are looking around for a job, and/or have 101 things to do, make a plan. Make a plan as soon as you can.

Take thirty minutes to look ahead:

  • How much time is there between today and the viva?
  • What are all the things you have to do besides the viva?
  • Sketch a calendar on paper and write them in (now you know what you have to plan around).
  • What are all the things you could do to get ready?
  • List them and how long they might take (now you have an idea of the time you need to find).
  • Schedule times to do them. Do it now. Don’t leave it until later.

The viva is not the most important thing ever, and preparing for it is not the most important thing ever…

…but both have to happen and both take a little time. Figure out when you’ll do it as soon as you can.

Even if you’re busy.