Q&A Episode Coming Soon


One of the few podcasts I regularly listen to is the Tim Ferriss Show: I highly recommend it, Tim interviews people about how they manage to be excellent in their fields. It’s a wild ride sometimes, and he has a huge variety of people on his show. I don’t think that the Viva Survivors Podcast is a “wild ride” but I think it’s great that there is such a variety of PhD graduates who come on here to share their experiences.

A few times now, Tim has had special Q&A episodes and listeners ask him all kinds of things – anything and everything really. It struck me a month or so ago that this might be a useful thing to do on Viva Survivors, at least every now and then. I used the poll function on Twitter to see if this was interesting to followers, and got a couple of positive votes, and also heard from several friends to say that this was a neat idea.

So let’s do it!

I’m going to publish a Q&A episode on Monday May 9th 2016. In order to do that, I need your questions by Wednesday May 4th 2016 – you can tweet them at me, email me, leave comments here, whatever works best for you. If you want to be anonymous then please state that clearly in your email or request, and of course I reserve the right to interpret the question and answer as I see fit.

But what do you want to know?

  • Got questions about viva preparation or the expectations of the viva in the UK? Ask away!
  • Want to know about how I do the podcast, or why I do it? Please ask!
  • Unsure of where to get more help? Check out my ebooks! 😉 Just kidding, I have some ideas I’d be happy to share!
  • Got ideas for interesting things I could do on the podcast? Send them my way!

As I said, my plan is to publish this podcast on Monday 9th May 2016: to do that I need your questions in by Wednesday May 4th, to give me a couple of days to record the episode, edit it and so on. So ask away: tweet me, email me, comment here. Just tell me what you want to know and I’ll do my best to help. Feel free to share this within your circles, tweet about it, and if you know someone whose viva is coming up, ask them if they have any questions that they need answering.

I’m really looking forward to this upcoming episode; I’ll do my best to make it a good one, but I need your help to make it a great one!

Thanks for reading!

Nathan (@DrRyder and @VivaSurvivors)

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